Introduction to the AID
African Infrastructure database tutorials
Introduction to the AID Platform
The AID user guides have been developed to address the need for comprehensive and technical guidance on using the various interfaces of the AID platform. These guides are intended to assist users in effectively updating infrastructure project data and generating reports.
Purpose of User Guides
African Infrastructure database tutorials
Purpose of the AID User Guide
The guide aims to offer detailed instructions and explanations on how to use the various interfaces of the AID platform, ensuring that users have a clear understanding of the functionalities and features available.
Intended Audience
African Infrastructure database tutorials
The audience for the user guides includes stakeholders involved in infrastructure project management. This encompasses project owners/implementers, regional institutions, and relevant institutions in member states.
Step by Step Approach – Navigation
African Infrastructure database tutorials
Step by Step Approach – Navigation
Start by accessing the AID platform through the designated website or portal. Access to the African Infrastructure Database can be done through the following URL:
The landing page of the AID consists of a portal to help respective users to navigate to different locations of the site.
The landing page of the AID consists of a portal to help respective users to navigate to different locations of the site.
Creating a New Project
African Infrastructure database tutorials
Creating a New Project
The AID platform provides an opportunity to create new projects for private usage or for public usage. The private usage relates to the ability to efficiently report on progress to the continental platform and linkages to investors. The platforms offer users of making the project available to users in various methods based on different roles.
Updating Infrastructure Projects
African Infrastructure database tutorials
Updating Projects
To update project data, you have 2 options. The first option is to locate the “Update Projects” link to the left side of the menu under the project explorer tab. The other way is to go to the view page of the project and click on update Progress. View video to learn more
Generating Reports
African Infrastructure database tutorials
Generating Report
Generate on demand reports from the platform to address the need for reporting to stakeholders. Learn how to generate reports on the interface and how to use the AID AI to generate instant reports.
Utilizing the AID e-Surveyor
African Infrastructure database tutorials
AID e-Surveyor – Powering Data Collection
Access the AID e-Surveyor to design and undertake data collection with stakeholders involved in infrastructure development. The tutorial gives you a guide on how to do that
Explore African Projects in various sectors using our online visual monitoring tool.
View the Programme for Infrastructure Development (PIDA) Portal and access the lastest updates.
Access the AID AI Assistant to assist you in analyzing large volumes of infrastructure data and information
Access to a variety of infrastructure e-learning materials to enhance your skills in infrastructure development in Africa.
A resource designed to support project owners in estimating and maximizing job creation potential in African infrastructure projects.